Eric Cannata
Released on May 1, 2020

For this Buzzsession we get a glimpse of Eric Cannata’s Los Angeles home life, a quarantine space full of home-y comforts and warmth. "Lonely Beast," a song about a house cat is a sweet folk tune, almost a lullaby, which is set lovingly over the images of Cannata and his girlfriend painting in watercolors, watering houseplants, lighting a fire in the grate. The arpeggiated guitar part is a driving force behind understated vocals, immediately drawing us into the song’s world. In a time of distance this video feels like closeness. “See what human touch can do to me,” he sings, perfectly capturing how powerful something as simple as a hug can be.
Cannata covers Crosby, Stills & Nash’s iconic tune "Our House," famously written by Graham Nash for Joni Mitchell in their Los Angeles home. This version of the song is deeply intimate, Cannata’s vocals barely grazing the melody over a simple guitar part accompaniment. It feels like he’s playing the song casually for his girlfriend in their living room, a reality that is echoed when we see the two snuggling up on the couch with books, dancing goofily on the roof, putting on a record to listen to together. It’s the little things that make a home and this is clearly a space full of love.