David Thomas Junior

Released on August 16, 2022

David Thomas Junior

Captivating, present moments may confuse alleviation for illusion—a locked gaze feels more aligned to truth than warning signs from the past. Since relationships, like life, are linear, David Thomas Junior objectively fleshes out specific points on that line, unburdened by past and incurious about the future, when “[The] Hope” acts to the beholder's detriment. He whispers in contrast about a "car crash" that is hard to look away from. Soft guitar scores the scene, slowing time to match the gravity of pain processing.

At a similar pace, Lauren Haug (Director and Animator) brilliantly reveals a proverb that challenges running, coping and hoping. She uses an Earth-toned series of breathing illustrations to embody "the good in bad." While The Hope is overtly romantic, Haug's take on the tiger and the strawberry adds a contemporary dimension to the message her—the strength of our relationship to this world is determined by our ability to replenish on the blood-red, alluring strawberries in life.

The Hope

Director & Animator
Lauren Haug

Associate Producer
Lucy Dunning

Music Video Commissioner
Inuka Bacote

Executive Producer
Eric Weiner
